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      What is FarmUI?

      FarmUI is a client-first and animation-rich UI component library that is built on top of several popular libraries, including Radix and Shadcn. It is designed to provide developers with a comprehensive set of UI components and tools that are optimized for performance and user experience.

      The "client-first" approach of FarmUI means that the library is primarily focused on delivering an exceptional user experience on the client-side, with a strong emphasis on smooth animations and responsive design. This makes FarmUI well-suited for building modern, web-based applications that require a high degree of interactivity and visual appeal.

      The library's use of Radix and Shadcn as its foundation provides developers with access to a wide range of primitive components and utilities, which can be easily customized and combined to create complex UI elements. This approach allows for a high degree of flexibility and control, while still maintaining a consistent and cohesive look and feel across the application.

      In addition to the Radix and Shadcn components, FarmUI also integrates with other primitive providers, such as Tailwind CSS, to offer a comprehensive set of styling and layout options. This ensures that developers can create visually stunning and highly functional user interfaces without having to reinvent the wheel.


      We Provide Support for Components Developed Using React, Vue.js, Svelte, HTML, and Alpine.js. And for the interactive components we use the following Libraries:

      Installation Guide

      1. Install the npm package
      pnpm add @kinfe123/farm-ui
      1. Adding the UI or component based on that ID
      pnpm farm-ui add {id}

      id - being the id of the component from the component section

      1. Specify the directory where you want the componnt to be installed or it uses components dir by default.

      2. Finally you get to see the component or UI block inside of farmui directory nested on directory you have mentioned on step 4.